



curl -L https://cdn.spiritlhl.net/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oneclickvirt/ecs/master/goecs.sh -o goecs.sh && chmod +x goecs.sh && bash goecs.sh env && bash goecs.sh install && goecs


# 执行 




./goecs.sh env            检查并安装的包:
                          sudo  (几乎所有类 Unix 系统都有。)
                          tar   (几乎所有类 Unix 系统都有。)
                          unzip (几乎所有类 Unix 系统都有。)
                          dd    (几乎所有类 Unix 系统都有。)
                          fio   (几乎所有类 Unix 系统可以通过系统的包管理器安装。)
                          sysbench  (几乎所有类 Unix 系统可以通过系统的包管理器安装。)
                          geekbench (geekbench5) (仅支持 IPV4 环境,且内存大于 1GB 并需要持续联网,仅支持 amd64 和 arm64 架构。)
                          speedtest (使用官方提供的二进制文件以获得更准确的测试结果。)
                          ping  (使用官方提供的二进制文件以获得更准确的测试结果。)
                          systemd-detect-virt 或 dmidecode (几乎所有类 Unix 系统都有,安装以获得更准确的测试结果。)
                          事实上,sysbench/geekbench 是上述依赖项中唯一必须安装的,没有它们无法测试 CPU 分数。
./goecs.sh install        安装 goecs 命令
./goecs.sh upgrade        升级 goecs 命令
./goecs.sh uninstall      卸载 goecs 命令
./goecs.sh help           显示此消息


Usage: goecs [options]
        Enable/Disable backtrace test (in 'en' language or on windows it always false) (default true)
        Enable/Disable basic test (default true)
        Enable/Disable common media test (default true)
        Enable/Disable CPU test (default true)
  -cpum string
        Set CPU test method (supported: sysbench, geekbench, winsat) (default "sysbench")
  -cput string
        Set CPU test thread mode (supported: single, multi) (default "multi")
        Enable/Disable disk test (default true)
  -diskm string
        Set disk test method (supported: fio, dd, winsat) (default "fio")
        Enable/Disable multiple disk checks, e.g., -diskmc=false
  -diskp string
        Set disk test path, e.g., -diskp /root
        Enable/Disable email port test (default true)
  -h    Show help information
  -l string
        Set language (supported: en, zh) (default "zh")
        Enable/Disable logging in the current path
        Enable/Disable memory test (default true)
  -memorym string
        Set memory test method (supported: sysbench, dd, winsat) (default "sysbench")
        Enable/Disable menu mode, disable example: -menu=false (default true)
        Enable/Disable NT3 test (in 'en' language or on windows it always false) (default true)
  -nt3loc string
        Specify NT3 test location (supported: GZ, SH, BJ, CD for Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu) (default "GZ")
  -nt3t string
        Set NT3 test type (supported: both, ipv4, ipv6) (default "ipv4")
        Enable/Disable security test (default true)
        Enable/Disable speed test (default true)
  -spnum int
        Set the number of servers per operator for speed test (default 2)
        Enable/Disable upload the result (default true)
        Enable/Disable unlock media test (default true)
  -v    Display version information


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